Alan Reeves
Vice President of Finance at Jim Wilson and Associates

Alan Reeves serves as Vice President of Finance at Jim Wilson and Associates, a role he has held since 2014. He is responsible for financial planning and analysis of the company’s investments, as well as managing operations for select investments. One of the proudest moments of Reeves’ career came during a challenging period for the company following the unexpected passing of their CEO, Jim Wilson III, in March 2023. Despite the uncertainties and difficulties, Reeves and his team worked tirelessly to navigate through the adversity, honoring Jim’s legacy and pushing the company forward in a way that would have made him proud. Beyond his professional responsibilities, he is actively involved in the community, serving on the River Region United Way Budget and Allocation Board and dedicating time to coaching youth sports.
- Key to Success: Just keep showing up. There will be good days and there will be bad days, but if you just keep showing up and putting in the work you will see the benefits.
- Guilty Pleasure: Guitars and golf. I probably spend too much time thinking about and playing the guitar and playing golf, but I love it.
- High School Superlative: Most Talented and Class Favorite
- Childhood Aspirations: I never really had a specific thing I wanted to be, but my mom says I would tell her I wanted to wear a suit to work every day. Now, I wear a suit most days, so I guess I made it.
- First Job: Working in the warehouse and pipe yard of a family-ran plumbing store.
- Best Advice: It’s not something anyone told me but just something I witnessed and learned. It goes back to just keep showing up. My dad worked for a large, public company growing up, and I knew he had good days and bad days, but he kept showing up no matter what and putting in the work. He was able to be very successful and retire early, so I saw firsthand the benefits.
- Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: First and foremost, my dad. Like I said, watching him work and travel for long periods at a time to provide for our family and become successful really taught me about work ethic and putting your head down and going to work. Secondly, Will and Jim Wilson. They’ve given me an incredible opportunity to grow and become successful and also help grow the company and their family legacy. I learned a lot of valuable lessons about leadership from Will in the days after Jim’s passing.
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