Alex Sallas

Alex Sallas works hand in hand with clients to guide them through various legal matters from recovery after a car accident or someone charged with a crime to helping a client navigate a family law matter. She has also assisted her team with five jury trials each ending in a not guilty verdict for their clients. Sallas is a member of the Young Lawyers Section of the Alabama State Bar Association which holds an annual event to raise money for various organizations in the community. She is also a board member of the Pike Road Patriot Fund Committee which organizes the annual Pike Road Crawfish Boil and donates the profits to the Pike Road School System’s arts and athletics programs.
Key to Success: Be a good person. I am of the belief that if you always strive to do the right thing and help others, success will follow you.
Guilty Pleasure: Cheesecake. Period.
High School Superlative: Most Likely to End Up on Broadway
Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be a lawyer.
First Job: I was a dance teacher at a Boys and Girls Club.
Best Advice: “Life is about choices. Make good choices.”
Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My grandpa. He is a decorated Vietnam veteran and because of that, he has taught me discipline and responsibility. Although his greatest influence that he passed on to me is his love for coffee. Without that, my career would not be where it is today.
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