Andrew Stieb

Tourism Manager at City of Wetumpka

Andrew Stieb is the Tourism Manager for the City of Wetumpka, a position he began in March 2024. In this role, he leads the city’s tourism efforts, managing marketing campaigns, partnerships and the promotion of Wetumpka as a dynamic destination for visitors. He oversees the Discover Wetumpka brand, the Wetumpka Impact Crater Discovery & Visitors Center and the Crater Commission, while collaborating with local businesses, cultural organizations and attractions to enhance tourism and coordinate city events. One of his proudest career accomplishments was saving his hometown Chamber of Commerce, which he helped revitalize after stepping in as Executive Director, driving growth and ensuring its future. Stieb is deeply involved in his Wetumpka community, serving as Chairman of the Wetumpka Impact Crater Commission, a board member for Main Street Wetumpka and a member of the CentrAL Inc! editorial board.


  • Key to Success: I believe in embracing setbacks as part of the journey and staying enthusiastic, no matter the challenges because every failure is just another step toward success.
  • Guilty Pleasure: A late-night diner. Nothing beats a cup of coffee and a slice of pie.
  • High School Superlative: Class Clown and Most Likely to Succeed.
  • Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be an architect. I was drawn to the idea of combining creativity and precision to design something meaningful and lasting.
  • First Job: Working for my parents at their flooring and furniture store.
  • Best Advice: Don’t shy away from shaking things up. If you’re not challenging the status quo or stirring conversation, you’re probably not making an impact.
  • Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My parents and being a part of their business. I learned many valuable lessons, but most importantly, I came to understand the significance of building and nurturing relationships, especially in a small community.


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