Ashley Burke

Client Accounting Services Senior Associate at Warren Averett

Ashley Burke is a Client Accounting Services Senior Associate at Warren Averett, where she has been serving clients since January 2022. In her role, Burke works closely with clients daily, acting as their primary point of contact and addressing their accounting and business needs with a problem-solving mindset. A standout career highlight for Burke is her selection to the Best Practice team for the Client Accounting Services department, where she contributes to developing best practices for technology, training and procedures across the firm. Outside of her professional responsibilities, she is deeply involved in her community. She leads a children’s Bible study on Monday nights, connecting with children across the country and internationally and serves as the financial advisor for the Lambda Kappa chapter of Chi Omega at her alma mater, Huntingdon College.


  • Key to Success: My key to success is a strong work ethic. This means consistently putting in the effort and dedication required to achieve my goals, no matter the challenges.
  • Guilty Pleasure: A crisp diet coke and Mexican food.
  • Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be a Lawyer.
  • First Job: Associate at a Christmas Tree Farm
  • Best Advice: The most valuable piece of advice I have received recently, which I am working to incorporate more in my life is to be present in every moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
  • Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: The biggest influence on my personal and career growth is my mom and dad. When I was growing up, I observed their hard work and dedication to their careers, which instilled the same drive in me. Their unwavering loyalty and dedication to their family and career made me the person I am today.


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