Channing Allen
Vice President of Sales and Development at Shaw Technology

Channing Allen is the Vice President of Sales and Development at Shaw Technology, a position he has held since August 2017. He is responsible for overseeing marketing efforts, managing contracts and nurturing key relationships. Additionally, Allen plays a significant role in shaping the company’s culture and is involved in the hiring process. One of his proudest career achievements is becoming a Partner at the firm, a milestone that reflects his dedication and hard work. Outside of his professional life, Allen coaches basketball, plays guitar at his church and actively participates in various volunteer activities to give back to the Pike Road and Montgomery communities that have supported him.
- Key to Success: Treat people how you want to be treated and never leave a place the same, always better than you found it.
- Guilty Pleasure: Pecan Pie, no question.
- Childhood Aspirations: Trash man
- First Job: Fatman’s Smokehouse
- Best Advice: Control your controllables.
- Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My faith and my family, hands down. When it all falls apart, that’s what’s always there.
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