Hope Eakins

Digital Marketing Coordinator at AlaCOMP

Hope Eakins is the Digital Marketing Coordinator at AlaCOMP, a role she has held since March 2021. She oversees the company’s digital marketing initiatives and events. In 2021, Eakins left her position as an assistant manager at a restXaurant to begin her journey at AlaCOMP as an administrative assistant. Through adaptability and determination, she quickly advanced to her current position. Her unique background has allowed her to bring a fresh perspective to the corporate world, and her work was recently recognized when she was awarded Best Content Creator by AAF Montgomery. Eakins is also deeply committed to her community, serving as a board member for AAF Montgomery and the Social Media and Technology Chair for Alabama Independent Insurance Agents. Additionally, she co-founded Montgomery Insurance Gals, a networking group dedicated to local women in the insurance industry.


  • Key to Success: Ask questions, maintain a positive attitude and prioritize a healthy work/life balance.
  • Guilty Pleasure: Crime dramas like Law & Order SVU and Diet Coke
  • Childhood Aspirations: A writer or a photographer
  • First Job: Mary’s Cakery and Candy Kitchen
  • Best Advice: Don’t be afraid to do hard things.
  • Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My parents, Robert and Bonnie, taught me the value of hard work, and my supervisor, Mary Cummings, sets an example for the kind of leader I would like to be.


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