Kayla Bass

Deputy Director at the Alabama League of Municipalities

Kayla Bass has been the Deputy Director of the Alabama League of Municipalities since August 2017, overseeing departments such as Advocacy, Communications, Legal and Member Services. She also provides lobbying support during legislative sessions and manages strategic partnerships. A career highlight for Bass was delivering the commencement address at Enterprise State Community College in 2019, a full-circle moment for her. Outside of work, Bass volunteers with the Alabama Special Olympics, Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine and Church of the Highlands. She also works to ensure Alabama’s cities have the resources they need to thrive, emphasizing the importance of local government in building strong, vibrant communities.


  • Key to Success: I believe there is strength and power in just being yourself. I also believe in treating everyone with kindness and respect.
  • Guilty Pleasure: Hallmark Christmas Movies
  • High School Superlative: Most Likely to be Famous
  • Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be a Special Education Teacher
  • First Job: Communications Specialist for Governor Robert Bentley
  • Best Advice: Show class, have pride, display character. If you do, winning takes care of itself. Of course, Bear Bryant didn’t tell me that himself, but I’ve always thought it’s great advice to live by.
  • Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: Personally, my mom. She instilled a strong work ethic in me from the very beginning. Professionally, I credit Greg Cochran, the League’s Executive Director. His social skills, ability to cultivate and strengthen relationships and partnerships are truly unmatched and are qualities I have valued most.


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