Matthew Poole
General Manager at Froggy Bottom Growers

Matthew Poole has been the General Manager at Froggy Bottom Growers since October 2024. He is responsible for securing, growing and selling plants with a focus on meeting and exceeding sales goals. One of his proudest accomplishments has been successfully moving over 20,000 plants of a single variety and sourcing plants for large-scale installations, which has proven to be a thrilling achievement. Outside of his work, Poole is dedicated to supporting his community by shopping locally and making donations to local causes, helping foster growth and support within the region.
- Key to Success: Leading the market. It’s too hard to follow it.
- Guilty Pleasure: Playing video games
- Childhood Aspirations: Be an author
- First Job: Bagger at a grocery store
- Best Advice: Slow down. Listen to those around you. Be empathetic and show kindness freely.
- Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My wife has put more time into my personal growth than anyone.
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