Nick Bishop
Architect and Project Manager at Seay, Seay & Litchfield Architects

Nick Bishop has been an integral part of Seay, Seay & Litchfield Architects since 2012, serving as both an Architect and Project Manager. He oversees all USPS projects for the firm while also playing a key role in training and mentoring the next generation of architects. While he takes pride in the successful projects he has managed, his greatest accomplishment is seeing the interns he has guided become licensed architects. Beyond his professional work, Bishop is actively involved in the community as a member of the Kiwanis Club and supports local organizations such as Girls on the Run, Magic Moments and Child Protect alongside his wife.
- Key to Success: Think for yourself but always listen to others, especially those with more experience. You’ll often learn something valuable or gain a new perspective. Also, don’t shy away from problems—face them head-on. There’s always a solution.
- Guilty Pleasure: Camping, fishing and kayaking. As an Eagle Scout, I love spending time in nature.
- Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be an engineer like my father until I saw a documentary about Auburn’s Rural Studio. That inspired me to become an architect.
- First job: My first job was picking up pinecones and sticks from the yard. My parents paid me a nickel for each one so my dad wouldn’t run over them with the lawnmower.
- Best Advice: I’ve received a lot of great advice, but one of my favorites is: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Your life is what you make of it.
- Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: For personal growth, it’s 100% my mom and dad. For my career, I’ve been fortunate to have guidance from many mentors: my professors at Auburn and Rural Studio, Richard Pigford and Marzette Fisher during my internship at ArchitectureWorks and Wes Osmer, Frank Litchfield, Jimmy Seay and Greg O’Neal at Seay, Seay & Litchfield Architects. They not only helped me become a licensed architect but continue to teach me valuable lessons to this day.
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