Sarah Darden

Passenger Experience Supervisor at Montgomery Regional Airport

Sarah Darden has been enhancing the travel experience at Montgomery Regional Airport since July 2022 as the Passenger Experience Supervisor. Her role is multifaceted, supporting the Marketing and Communications team while also serving as a liaison between passengers and airlines to ensure smooth operations. Her dedication to the aviation industry was recently recognized when she was named “Aviation Professional of the Year” by the Aviation Council of Alabama—an unexpected but deeply rewarding honor. Beyond her work at the airport, Darden stays engaged in the community by volunteering at events across the River Region, from welcoming students back to school to participating in local parades.


  • Key to Success: Displaying candidness through open forms of communication has helped me grow professionally. I strongly believe in communicating at all levels through numerous departments when important information or updates are made. There is no benefit to sitting on information that can support other departments and team members.
  • Guilty Pleasure: People watching. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy working at an airport. I love when we have travelers from other countries who enjoy seeing the rocking chairs and listening to our southern accents.
  • Childhood Aspirations: I’m an advocate for trying new opportunities and continuing to develop professionally! Careers are not one size fits all, sometimes navigating outside the box can bring new creative endeavors that turn into potential positions.
  • First job: Working with the 42 FSS Squadron on Maxwell AFB as a pro shop cashier at their golf course.
  • Best Advice: Keep a running list of your professional accolades each year. It can be daunting when your annual appraisal comes around to remember every risk, training or opportunity that you accomplished that year.
  • Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My coworkers at MGM; from the Operations team to the Passenger Service Aides. They are an incredibly supportive group of individuals who lend a helping hand or listening ear when one is needed.


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