Shannen O’Leary
Qualifying Broker at 334 Property Management

Shannen O’Leary is the Qualifying Broker at 334 Property Management, where she has worked since June 2018. As a Senior Property Manager and Business Development professional, she is passionate about her work, finding fulfillment in both closing deals and developing new business opportunities. For O’Leary, the real highlight of her career is waking up each day excited to go to the office, a sense of enthusiasm that fuels her success. She is actively involved in her community, volunteering as a Montgomery Chamber Ambassador and serving on the Montgomery Area Association of Realtors Education and Public Relations Committees.
- Key to Success: Learning not to sweat the small stuff. In my line of work, things can change at a moment’s notice, so being adaptable is crucial.
- Guilty Pleasure: Making a weekly pit stop at Lorraine’s Bake Shop in downtown Montgomery.
- High School Superlative: I was voted “Everyone’s friend”.
- Childhood Aspirations: I always wanted to be a professional athlete.
- First Job: A barista at a local coffee shop back home in Milford, Connecticut.
- Best Advice: “Work hard and treat others with kindness.” This simple yet powerful principle has guided me in both my personal and professional life.
- Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: I was raised by a single mother who balanced working full-time while attending nursing school part-time when I was in elementary school. Her determination, resilience, and drive to create a better future for herself and our family have significantly influenced my personal and career growth.
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