William Pierce

Broker and Property Director at Real Estate Southeast

William Pierce has been involved in commercial real estate since May 2017, serving as a Broker and Property Director at Real Estate Southeast. His role encompasses tenant representation, leasing and overseeing property management operations for more than 2.5 million square feet of retail space. Whether securing ideal sites for clients, filling vacancies in shopping centers or managing large-scale properties, he is dedicated to driving growth and success. Beyond his professional work, Pierce is actively involved in the community, serving on multiple boards, including Paint the Park for Jody, the City of Wetumpka Downtown Redevelopment Authority and the Mainstreet Wetumpka Design Committee, as well as working with the Wetumpka FFA Alumni Chapter.


  • Key to Success: Work ethic. I believe that working hard is the most important aspect of your professional and personal life. I try to fit in as much as possible into every minute.
  • Guilty Pleasure: The occasional Waffle House.
  • Childhood Aspirations: From a young age, I developed a passion for historic redevelopment. This interest ultimately shaped my decision to pursue a career in commercial real estate development.
  • First Job: During high school, I was a summer intern with the Retirement Systems of Alabama.
  • Best Advice: Have confidence that what your offer is the best that there is.
  • Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to have mentors from various age groups and generations. I find it valuable to learn from their diverse perspectives and to learn from their experiences.


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