Ashley Stewart

National Sales Manager at Gray Television

Ashley Stewart began her career at WSFA in 2014 as a Local Account Executive. Stewart’s role shifted to a Regional Sales Manager in 2017, and in 2019, she was promoted to National Sales Manager for WSFA here in Montgomery, AL before taking over the Tallahassee market in September 2022. She primarily works with advertising agencies across the country, managing broadcast campaigns for national brands they represent and oversees political advertising contracts for those markets. Through the local television station, she is able to help the community through fundraising events and local charity drives. She is also an active member of PRCA Montgomery and serves on the Leadership Council for The Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama.


Key to Success: Invest time in people. Get to know your team members, clients, or other business leaders. You never know who may influence you in your career, or on the flip side, who you may influence.


Guilty Pleasure: Bravo & peanut M&Ms


First Job: I worked as a barista in a local coffee shop. I loved it & that is probably where my coffee addiction started!


Best Advice: Take the vacation! We live in an age where we are accessible via phone or email nearly 100% of the time. It’s okay, and necessary, to step away and reap the benefits of your hard work.


Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My mom worked in corporate America my entire childhood. I saw firsthand that women could have a successful career and a family but that it took a lot of hard work, dedication and support to get there.


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