Brandon Miller

Public Information Manager at the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs

Brandon Miller is responsible for managing and coordinating the internal and external communications and public information programs which includes developing media plans, coordinating press interviews and public events, managing the department’s website and social media platforms, responding to media queries, producing and editing photos and video, and preparing public briefings and other public information forums and products. His career highlight was delivering the keynote address for the Memorial Day ceremony in Prattville several years ago. He valued the privilege of representing the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs in honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.


Key to Success: Recognizing my passions and purpose and working intentionally to achieve them both daily.


High School Superlative: Best Hair. It was the peak of the Bama Bangs era, and I had a flow that was ready to rush any fraternity.


Childhood Aspirations: I really wanted to be an engineer, but I didn’t excel in the right subjects. My second dream was to be a sports writer, which I was blessed to have accomplished. Unfortunately, the rumors about long hours, late nights, and little pay are all true.


First Job: My first job on the books was bagging groceries at Kroger, but I washed dishes at my grandmother’s restaurant at a very young age. She paid me in biscuits.


Best Advice: Playing baseball growing up, my mom would always tell me before I would bat to focus and breathe. Now that I’ve worked in several fast-paced, high stress environments, reminders to focus and breathe are really good things to keep in mind.


Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: It’s undoubtedly my wife, Sarah. It’s sounds like a cliche, but she supports and believes in me more than anyone and pushes me daily to be a better person and strive for more.


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