Chris Searcy
Senior Pastor at Fresh Anointing House of Worship and CEO of Searcy Brothers Productions

As senior pastor, Chris Searcy manages and provides oversight for the administration of all ministry areas within the organization, emphasizing Christ-centered teaching, fervent prayer, multilevel family Christian education programs, evangelism and mission outreaches. As CEO of Searcy Brothers Productions, he develops and maintains the company’s vision and mission statements, ensuring they are understood by all employees and monitors the company’s progress. He volunteers at a local food bank, serves at a local church and provides mentoring services for a number of young men.
Key to Success: I believe my key to success is first the Grace and providence of God and second the relentless drive to excel that he has placed within me.
Guilty Pleasure: Any kind of sweet baked good!
High School Superlative: Most Talkative. Verified by winning the title of top debate (forensic) athlete in the State of Alabama.
Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be a United States Marine.
First Job: Chick-Fil-a in Eastdale mall at 14 years old
Best Advice: “No one is coming to save you.”
Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: The biggest influence on my personal and career growth was the three years I spent in Army ROTC in college at AUM.
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