Kristen Hunt

Vice President of Finance at Goodwyn Mills Cawood

Kristen Hunt has been working with GMC since 2007. As the VP of Finance, her team is responsible for overseeing of the financial operations of the company and its subsidiaries, which includes more than 25 offices across seven states. She has been recognized for her leadership and dedication to the firm through GMC’s shareholder program. She is involved with her local church and charities throughout the River Region. She also gives back through GMC’s annual Day of Service, community engagement efforts and various service opportunities throughout the year.


Key to Success: Not letting failure determine my path. I try to learn from it and allow the experience to help me grow instead of holding me back.


Guilty Pleasure: Cheesecake and a good movie


Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be a veterinarian.


First Job: Entertainment staff for the Montgomery Biscuits. The original Biscuit Bunch.


Best Advice: Don’t let others prevent you from being the servant leader you were called to be.


Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: There are so many within GMC that I could list, from Steve Cawood and Amanda Davis, to Jeffrey Brewer and Rhonda Davis, but my dad has probably had the biggest influence on my personal and career growth. Of course, he wants what is best for me and now my growing family, but he is always able to give me an outside perspective, unbiased advice, bring me down to reality and tops all financial advisors around. We might naturally have similar traits, but when it comes to business, I strive to be more like him everyday.


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