Dr. Brianna Hawkins, PharmD

Oncology Clinical Project Scientist and Owner at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine and Stepped Shoetique

Dr. Brianna Hawkins became an Oncology Clinical Project Scientist after earning a Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Business Administration dual degree from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in May 2023. Hawkins joined Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine (formerly Janssen) in June 2023, overseeing and leading initiatives within early and late-phase cancer drug development. After 15 years in Nashville, she moved back to Montgomery in November 2023 to open Stepped Shoetique—a boutique providing high-quality footwear options. During the pursuit of a Doctor of Pharmacy/Master of Business Administration degree, she became Johnson & Johnson’s inaugural Oncology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council Co-Op, working with executive leadership to champion vital initiatives for the company’s commitment to broader awareness and improved representation in the field of oncology. Hawkins also actively mentors high school and college-aged individuals in their scholastic pursuits and career aspirations and offers business insight and guidance to aspiring women boutique owners.


Key to Success: Remaining teachable. I am always open to learning more, improving within my craft and skill set, and utilizing constructive criticism to strengthen my weaknesses.


Guilty Pleasure: Stress traveling! Whenever things get overwhelming, I like to travel to a different location (sometimes close/staycation or far away) just to change up the scenery and vibe.


Childhood Aspiration: Childhood dream fulfilled by becoming a doctor after earning a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and becoming a Cancer Scientist.


First Job: At 14 years old, I began working at Medical Place in Montgomery, Alabama, exposing me to the medical field and laying the foundation for my current career.


Best Advice: “The years will pass by regardless so you might as well spend that time pursuing and accomplishing what you love and are passionate about.”


Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My faith in God and my willingness to be obedient to His calling over my life has been the biggest influence on my personal and career growth.


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