Fabian Macias

Director of Community Relations for 95.5 WRBZ LaVoz

Fabian Macias assists 95.5 WRBZ LaVoz (The Voice) in fostering connections within the Hispanic community. Macias coordinates on-site events, contributes to long and short-term strategies, facilitates tasks and promotes businesses aiming to engage with the Hispanic community and vice versa. He engages in diverse events to fulfill the needs of the Hispanic public, playing a crucial role in ensuring the Hispanic community has a voice, aligning with the success of LaVoz. He also contributes to informing and providing resources to the Hispanic community through collaboration with the media group “Little Engine Broadcasting.”


Key to Success: Staying humble and surrounding myself by likeminded people.


Guilty Pleasure: I indulge in my love for soccer whenever the opportunity arises.


Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to be an astronaut.


First Job: At 14, I began cleaning tables and serving chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant. While others enjoyed Friday evenings at athletic events, I was working. Though it wasn’t the most enjoyable back then, the work ethic and lessons learned remain invaluable, shaping me for a lifetime.


Best Advice: “Be whatever you want to be, but be the best at it.” (“Se lo que quieres ser pero se el mejor de lo que quieres ser” in Spanish).


Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My father has profoundly influenced both my personal and career growth. Witnessing his dedication, waking up at 6 am, working tirelessly and still making time for family, instilled in me the importance of family and hard work. His core values of reaching for more while remembering those who supported you have shaped my journey. His actions, more than words, have paved the way for my achievements.


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