Cody Smith

Cody Smith’s role as a project manager is to develop projects from an idea to a built environment which includes leading the design team and consultants, managing client expectations and cultivating relationships with other industry leaders to ensure a successful project. He was recently honored with the Young Architect Award given by Alabama’s state chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). He is the board director for the Montgomery AIA Chapter and the Alabama Center for Architecture, whose mission is to advance the enjoyment of architecture and design through engagement, education and collaboration.
Key to Success: In a profession that is always evolving, expanding, and specializing, it is important to remain receptive to learning and never make assumptions. One of my favorite quotes is, “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”. I view this quote not as a cop-out or justification, but as means to understand what my contributions are and my invitation.
Guilty Pleasure: When I am not drawing a detail, I really enjoy building or home improvement projects. It is not always the quickest or necessarily the cheapest, but I enjoy buying tools and learning new skills.
Childhood Aspirations: I’ve always wanted to be an Architect.
First Job: The first job I received a W-2 for was as a Waffle House Server, which I worked as a Junior and Senior in high school.
Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: I consider my grandfather as the individual who has had the biggest influence on me personally and my career. My desire to become an Architect started with me tagging along with him on his carpentry projects and he has always been a constant in my life.
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