Katy Brasfield

Director of Community Development at the Town of Pike Road

Katy Brasfield’s main role is to lead the Community Development Department in telling the Pike Road Story by creating unique opportunities to engage with citizens and building partnerships that support Quality of Life programming and ENHANCE initiatives. She is proud to have served the fastest growing municipality in the state of Alabama for the last two decades and help build a town from scratch. She is involved in the community daily from providing event support to service groups like the Pike Road Lions Club or Kiwanis of Pike Road to spending Saturdays in the summer volunteering with the Pike Road P.R.A.Y.E.R. Team’s Summer Feeding Program at Woodland Church Food Pantry. She also supports Pike Road Schools’ athletics, robotics, and FFA. In addition, she serves with Mayor Stone on the board for the Central Alabama Aging Consortium.


Key to Success: I believe the key to success is: “Don’t Panic.” It’s easier said than done, and we often find ourselves in some state of “panic” whether it is stressing about a little task or a big project. However, if you take time to breathe, plan ahead, and go forward thinking clearly, you’ll gain more time to learn from mistakes or celebrate victories which is ultimately what I define as “success.”


Guilty Pleasure: I love Ovaltine in my morning cup of coffee.


High School Superlative: Most Likely to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse


Childhood Aspirations: I wanted to have a lot of different jobs as a child. Everything from a veterinarian to the President of the United States. Ultimately, I found out that I am good at knowing a little about a lot of things and that’s perfect for someone who wants to work in Community Development!


First Job: Lifeguarding at Big Kahuna’s Water Park in Destin, Florida


Best Advice: My grandmother left me a framed copy of “the Desiderata” by Max Ehrmann when she passed. It’s a poem so it is too long to quote here, but I have a copy hanging by my office door and read it when I need a pick me up. It’s all about finding balance in the world and the life you lead.


Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: Hands down, I would say my family. My parents laid the foundation for who I am as a person and have always believed I would be a pillar shaker in this world. My in-laws, who have loved me like I am one of their own, have been exceptionally influential with their guidance as a young professional. My husband, who is my best friend, has been my rock when life gets hard and has helped me believe I can truly do anything I want in life. And my son, who is the light of my life, awakened a strength in me that I never thought I possessed. I know I wouldn’t be half the person I am today without them.


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