Haley Greene
Executive Director at Main Street Wetumpka

Haley Greene’s role as the executive director is to lead and manage the non-profit organization, overseeing operations, finances, programs, staff and volunteers. She has the pleasure of building relationships with business and property owners, community leaders, residents and visitors who share the vision of creating an economically strong and vibrant downtown.
Through her work at Main Street Wetumpka, she supports many community events and organizations such as Breast & Body Health which supports women and their families impacted by breast cancer, Ivy’sCloset which is a foster care clothing and supply closet in Elmore County, and Letters to Santa which provides toys to children at Christmas.
Key to Success: My key to success is being authentically myself, having integrity in all aspects of my life and career, being confident in myself and my decisions and knowing that I am trying my absolute best.
Guilty Pleasure: Chips. While grocery shopping, I spend the majority of my time walking up and down the chip aisle deciding which bag(s) of chips I’m going to throw in the buggy.
Childhood Aspirations: An orthodontist. I was and still am obsessed with teeth and seeing people smile confidently.
First Job: My first job was in the lab at an orthodontist’s office.
Best Advice: Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay. As long as you like yourself, you are doing okay.
Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: My parents. Making them proud is one of my biggest motivating factors.
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