Hunter Smith

Tax Manager at Warren Averett, LLC

Hunter Smith became an Associate in January of 2016 after interning with the company through undergraduate and graduate school. His primary role is to assist clients by advising on tax and consulting strategies to help them achieve their financial goals. While he works with clients in various industries, he specializes in the construction and real estate space. He and his wife assist with the children’s ministry at Thorington Road Baptist Church, and he is a member of the YMCA of Greater Montgomery Boy’s Work Committee. Smith is also a leader within the Warren Averett Young Professionals Group and is involved with the ASCPA Young CPA Cabinet that works with young CPAs across Alabama to connect and advance young leaders.


Key to Success: My keys to success are maintaining a steady worth ethic, treating people with respect and kindness and giving both my personal and professional life all I can.


Guilty Pleasure: I love chocolate—and really any dessert.


High School Superlative: I’m not sure why, but I was voted “Cutest” back-to-back years. I think my mom rigged the voting.


Childhood Aspirations: As many boys do, I wanted to be a professional baseball player. I was fortunate enough to play into college, but physical stature and abilities helped contribute to my retirement and entry into the fast-paced world of accounting.


First Job: Greenville, Alabama Parks and Recreation Department


Best Advice: The best advice I’ve ever received and has stuck with me to this day came from DJ Conville, who was my baseball coach while at Huntingdon College. He would always say that everything you do matters. You never know who is watching, and you are a direct reflection of the institution, the team, your parents and everyone who came before and will come after you. Everything you say, everything you tweet, your appearance—it all encompasses the standard set. We prioritize God and family, and everything else will take care of itself.


Biggest Influence Personally & Professionally: I think it started with the hard-work mentality my parents instilled in me very early on. I was fortunate enough to cross paths with many athletic coaches who helped solidify that hard-work mentality while emphasizing a focus on becoming a strong husband, father, and leader. Many people within Warren Averett continue to help grow and challenge me, and they have been there through the good times and the very tough times— whether in business or in my personal life.


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